Monday, August 14, 2006

i'd like to tag you but i don't know how

1. Your blog "user name" & what it means

Nobody has called me Maria. Ever. Just living out a long, drawn out desire, I guess.

2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your blog represent who you actually are?

I guess it would be a 7. I realize that most of the stuff I write here at times are truly just for posterity. Pardon the French.

3. How much about your life do you post to blog?

Who wants to know?

4. Is there anything you refuse to post about?

To quote Nin, “I never wrote about him, but he is the most important person in my life.” Sacred things. If you can’t stand up for it, don’t write it.

5. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own blog is to others?

I dunno, really. It would depend on who’s reading the entries, I guess.

6. From whom/how did you find out about blogs?

From college friends. I’m a really late starter, though.

7. Has anyone ever started a blog because of you?

Yeah. Some of my officemates. But I think they’re not using Blogger.

8. Has anything written on blogs ever caused you to establish, rethink, or even change your belief or position on something?

Oh yeah. But in an entirely distasteful way and on a more sensitive note. Remind me of it and you will probably die.

9. How often do you respond to/comment on other peoples' blogs?

I don’t usually like commenting on people’s works online. If they deserve a commendation, then they should hear it from you personally.

10. Do you prefer to write in your blog than reading other blogs?

I am fond of both, actually. But of course, writing will always come on top. Regarding reading other blogs, I believe that I am supposed to have 9 lives. I’d like to see if that warranty is guaranteed.

11. Have you ever had something mean said to you or have you been stalked, harassed, or did you get into an argument/flame war on your blog (or did it to someone else)?

I have never been a recipient of a single, ugly word. (Note the word recipient)

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